Sunday, August 19, 2018

Yellowstone Adventure 2018 - Final Entry

Well it is thanks and goodbye .
I want to thank God for giving me the ability and health to have worked at Yellowstone.
I want to thank the love of my life, my wife Cathy, for handling the homestead while I am away and letting me work on my bucket list. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
I want to thank Yellowstone once again for allowing me to see your beauty.
I want to say goodbye to the store bosses Diane (who had to leave early) and Dan. You did and are doing well herding the cats that make up the store employees.
Goodbye to my grocery boss Ron. I could not have picked a better boss. You are a great worker and other than your character flaw of liking the Bee Gees, I thoroughly enjoyed working with you. Remember the Monkees were great and Disco is a very big blemish in history. I will still take Houston to win the world series, if the Cubs don't make it. Your Mom will be in my prayers.
Goodbye my co-worker and fellow church goer Jack. You are a great guy to work with and to hike with. At 81 years old I fully expect you will be hiking for several years to come. Your aging well and are only cranky sometimes. Thanks for the great talks and the great example of a caring person to all those around you.
Goodbye to my fellow hiker and the hardest working guy I know, George. Thanks for the hikes and the talks about the Bible. Remember to keep the faith and God is always faithful and just to forgive us all of our sins. I will be hoping you see a bear in your next hike. I award you the best recycler in Yellowstone.
Goodbye to Mark and Mary. You two are great workers and I love how you both care about the young people. Your bingo games have been a highlight of my employment and I am sure all those that played feel the same.
Goodbye to Judy, who had to leave early, and Lindsay. Thanks for keeping the dorm under control. Lindsay keep on being Jesus for those around you. Thanks for coming to church too.
Goodbye to my fellow Cub fan Bob. I wish you good health and may you have a great winter in West Yellowstone.
Goodbye Jim and Sue and Wayne and Beverly. Thanks for being great cashiers and fun to be around.
Goodbye to Tom, Helen, Sandi and Dianna. As floor supervisors you all did great. I know it is hard work, especially when the store gets packed. You did the jobs with a smile on your face.
Goodbye to Heidi. I hope you find that job that you love to do and look forward to doing it. Thanks for the tip on jobs at Shenandoah.
Goodbye my friend Patrick. You are still a great cashier and yes I will still be praying for you. I wish you safe travels overseas this winter.
Goodbye to the custodians. Josh, Yilmaz and Harun and George. You all worked hard and I appreciate the work you do.
Goodbye to Ron and his maintenance crew. Thanks for keeping things working and sometimes patched.
Goodbye to all those working in the fountain. You all are the best. Shauna thanks for stepping up and leading the fountain. Breanna you can take all the groceries you want to supply the fountain now.
Goodbye to all those working in the dungeon stocking the store. You work hard behind the scenes and I know the tourists appreciate it.
Goodbye to all the EDR staff. Thanks for the great food and for the times you had to get up before the sun and before any other employee. You all are appreciated.
Goodbye Ryan, Drew, Andrew,etc. If I missed anyone it is my bad memory and I am sorry. I wish all the Turks, Croatians, Romanians and Taiwanese goodbye also.
Goodbye to those great questions "where is the geyser?", "When will the geyser go off?", "do you turn the geyser off at night?" and the very popular question by those who need weight watchers, "can I drive up to the geyser as I don't like walking".
Goodbye to Betty my Excalibur box cutter. After two years Ron finally entrusted me with my very own box cutter. She performed admirably and I returned her into the stone from whence I pulled her.
And finally goodbye to the 24 pounds I have lost since working here. I plan to make several diet and exercise changes when I get home to keep this weight off. Also keeping my blood pressure down.
As David Walburn says in his song. You can never say goodbye to Montana, just goodnight. Well goodnight Montana and Wyoming you will be missed.