Tuesday, June 14, 2022

It is too hot and I long for the mountains

    A sustained heat wave has arrived in Indiana. We are going to see temperatures in the high nineties and high humidity for the next several weeks.  I cannot stand heat and humidity and I wish I could transport myself to South Dakota or the Beartooth Pass.  Cathy knows that I don't like just staying in one place now that I am retired and these temps really get my feet to itch.  But I have several obligations here and Cathy has a few obligations too, but I keep telling her that we need to travel while we are still young and healthy because before you know it we will be hit with something big that causes us to be anchored to a doctor and limit our getting around.  I have seen that happen time and time again with my friends and family and it is sad to regret not doing something.

   I have been watching Yellowstone and other areas be decimated by flooding.  The pictures from Red Lodge Montana are heartbreaking.  Yellowstone is closed to all traffic until at least Wednesday because of roads being flooded and disappearing as well as rock slides.  I have tried to contact Jack Hade to see how the store is faring during this tragic event but have yet to hear from him.  The pictures and videos I am seeing make me sad because the places that are being affected are places I have hiked or driven through.  It will take some time to fix the issues caused by the floods for sure. Last year when I saw the drought I prayed for more snow this winter to get the lakes filled back up, but it seems that my prayers went overboard.  The rains are increasing the snow-melt and the water is raging down the Yellowstone and other rivers in the area.  Houses are disappearing into the river and bridges are getting wiped out.  Very sad.  I am sure when Cathy and I head there this Fall we will still see the effects of the flooding.  It will be years before healing will be completed.

  Looks like my son Jacob and his family will be moving back to Indiana.  He has accepted a job at Crane and my wife is very happy about that.  I am happy that I don't have to drive that direction anymore.  I was hoping that he would get a job out west, as I would love to take that trip anytime.

   Next week our church's VBS will begin.  It is a great time of spreading the news about Jesus and also a great time of fellowship with the brothers and sisters in Christ.  This year's theme is Jonah and titled "Big Fish, Bigger God".  I love all those that plan for a year to get this event together.

  My very intelligent daughter-in-law Emily, has got all the kids enrolled in swimming lessons.  She wants them all comfortable in the water and I whole heartily agree with her.  She also said that all the kids will be able to ride a bike before the end of summer.  I agree with that one also.  They need exercise and bike riding as a family is a great thing.

   Keep Jesus in your heart even when Satan is beating you down with the news of the day.  John Prine said it best when he wrote the lyrics:

    Blow up your TV
   Throw away your papers
    Go to the country
    Plant a little garden
    Eat a lot of peaches
    Find Jesus