Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Yellowstone Adventure 2023 - Final Week Time To Head For Home

   I really looked forward to getting this week started because I will have completed my contract.  Completing my contract is an accomplishment to me.  Some people like to test themselves with climbing mountains or running marathons, well this is my equivalent of those.  When I complete a contract and have my truck packed and heading out, I get a sense of accomplishing something that few people do.  I will let you in on a secret.  I don't like getting praised for things I have done.  I don't know why, but I just do not like getting acknowledged for something I did.  I have felt that way for a long time.  When I accomplish something that I have worked hard to do, I feel good and well pleased with myself at that time.  No pat on the back or letter of appreciation will mean as much to me as how I feel when I drive away from a job completed and well done.  I know accolades are peoples way of acknowledging how they feel about what a person has done.  I don't chastise anyone who thanks me for doing a good job, but I have always had the basic function.  That is work as if your working for the Lord.  If I feel good about a thing that I have done, it is because I think God will be pleased with my work.

   This will be my second retirement.  Once from the Department of Defense and now from Delaware North.  I will not be doing this type of work again, but I will definitely be finding something to do for my next retirement.   I feel we all need to do something that we may or may not be able to accomplish, but something that tests us.  These summer jobs have been a test for me.  A test of being gone from Cathy for a few months, which was the hardest thing to work through.  I wished many times she would join me, but she feels she needs her tests with Grand-kids.  :)  A test of meeting new people from all walks of life and accept them as Jesus does.  That is hard to do, but every morning I pray that God gives me eyes to see others as Jesus does.  To not judge them, but see them as lost without Jesus.  A test of working harder than I did as a programmer.  It takes about a month before my body stops complaining about what I am putting it through.  I feel that I need to continue exercising and trying to keep my body in shape enough to stave off needing medical and drug attention in my future.  I know I will have to work at eating better and getting walking in as part of my daily activity, but I must do that.  I have lost weight during this contract and I need to work to keep the weight off and also work to exercise my heart.

  I wish to say good bye to a few that have made my contract enjoyable.  First is Ron my grocery boss.  I want to thank you for putting up with me and for letting me work in the grocery.  I hope I did not do anything to harm the grocery.  I will be praying for you and your brother as you care for your mother.  Your mother will be in my prayers.  Thank you Ron for giving me a great work experience that I will always remember.  I want to thank Jack for being my friend.  You work well for 86 years old and I pray God will give you happy years to come.  May God protect you in your daily life and your travels.  To George the hardest working guy I know, thanks for the trip over the mountains and I wish you nothing but goodness and blessings from God in your life.  To Scott my fellow grocery worker.  I pray you will lead the life that your Mom wanted.  May you think more about Jesus than your portfolio.  I am sure your Mom would have been happy about that.  To Eddy my replacement, you are a hard worker and I wish you nothing but the best as you go from College to work life.  May God guide you as you make decisions about what you will be doing and where you will be going.  To my main boss Chanda, I wish you well as you herd the cats.  You are doing great and I pray the rest of the season goes well.  To the second in command Jim, you have impressed me so much this summer with your work ethic.  You handled many things that would cause major stress in a persons life.  You did all those things without losing your calm character.  I wish you well Jim in what ever you will be doing in your retirement.  To the other floor managers, Theresa, Dave, Tom, and Rhonda.  It has been great working with you all.  To my longtime friends Bob and Patrick, may God protect you both in your health and your travels.  I have known you two for quite some time and you are good friends.  To Eric, Tristen and Brian of the fountain staff.  You all work great and it is a tough job.  It has been good passing through your fountain area and I have learned a few new tunes. To the EDR staff of Glenn, Evan, Jeff, Isaac, JP and Jeanine.  Thanks for the great meals and for having PB&J available when you had fish cooking.  You made my contract more enjoyable with your great cooking.  To Ryan our dorm lead.  Thanks for keeping the dorm a pleasant place to sleep at night. It has been the best dorm experience I have had.  Keep those kids in line and keep doing a great job.  To all the others too numerous to mention, may God bless you and may you make right decisions for your life.  Work hard and remember that hard work is its only reward.

As my favorite songwriter says:

"...The pride of just the other side of nowhere is going home."

Until my next big adventure/test take care and stay well.  Thanks for reading.