Thursday, June 20, 2024

A Special Trip

    Several months ago I approached my oldest grandson's parents to get permission to take them on a trip out west.  I told them that I would leave the day after school is let out for the summer and we would head to Yellowstone, with many stops in between.  They said it would be a great idea and on May 22nd we set out in the family van.  It would just be us three, as the other grand kids are not old enough to enjoy a trip like the one I had planned.  

  I don't know who had the best time, as I think I had just as much fun showing them the sights my Dad showed me many years ago.  The first day they got to see the Mississippi River, which they have never been over before.  Then I introduced them to the worlds largest truck stop on I80 in Iowa. The second day was the special day as I told them once we reached South Dakota that they would officially be in the west.  I showed them the Corn Palace in Mitchell and introduced them to the statue Dignity that over looks the Missouri River.  We stopped by the 1880's town for a look at an old west setup.  Then we reached Wall and I introduced them to the people I worked with at Wall Drug.  They liked the place and all the items that they sold.  The next day we woke up early and hiked around the Bad Lands. The kids got introduced to prairie dogs, which they loved.  The next stop was Rapid City and the got to walk around Mount Rushmore and Deadwood and Lead.  We also visited a drive through bear park, that ensured they would then see some bears on this trip.  After a couple days in Rapid City we made our way to Cody Wyoming over the Bighorn Mountains. The kids got to see their first ever moose as we made our way to Cody Wyoming.  In Cody they enjoyed the Buffalo Bill Cody museum and the dam.  We also go to see the Irma hotel and walk around the Old Trail Town.  From Cody we headed into Yellowstone and to our hotel in West Yellowstone.  Entering Yellowstone they got to see their first every Bighorn sheep and their first every bison, black bear, and grisly bear.  I took them to the store where I worked and introduced them to the people I work with.  They also got to see the Grand geyser go off and to explore the grand canyon of Yellowstone.  I also to them to see Johnny Sack's cabin on Big Spring and to Mesa Falls.  After all these places we headed home via I90 and I showed them where the battle of little Bighorn was at.  Then it was a long trip home.  

   My hopes on this trip was that they would one day venture west and remember the places their Pappy showed them and I also pray that they will have lasting memories of our time together and the laughs we had.