Saturday, March 21, 2020


   Today I was able to see how technology can be a great thing. With all the virus issues going on. A couple I know had a wedding planned for later this year.  They saw what was happening with states enacting stay at home guidelines and other restrictions coming down the pike. So they decided to move their wedding up to today.  They let everyone know prior to today that it would be live streamed on Facebook.  They had an outdoor ceremony with only a small amount of family members present in the park, but many many were in the parking lot watching the live stream and obeying the distance separation that the government wants.  The ceremony was beautiful and after the couple kissed the cars in the parking lot started honking and many shouts and cheers went up.  It was very nice to be able to view the wedding from Indiana as they were in Oklahoma.

   I also saw where a Bible study class used technology to gather remotely together. They were able to study God's word and to keep maturing. In these uncertain times it is great to be able to use technology to advance Bible knowledge.

   On a side note, I sure wish people would calm down about getting food and supplies stored up. At no time has the government indicated there would be any food shortages, but fear is overtaking people's common sense. Don't get me started on those that are buying guns and ammo.

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