Friday, May 22, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Preparation

   Well it is a week before I am to report to Wall Drug for my summer employment.  I need to arrive on the 29th of May and supposed to start June 1st.  My last day will be August 16th. With the Corona Virus causing major disruptions in the economy, I was surprised that my original contract was still in effect. My best guess is that they had a lot of people cancel their contracts or that HR could not get very many foreign workers this year.  I have a feeling I will be working at a store that is in need of workers.  Well at least they pay overtime at time and a half. The good news is it will only take me two days to get there, with only one night in a hotel. Tomorrow I will get the two totes cleaned out and start packing for my working in South Dakota. Wall Drug's HR has only indicated that I will be in a room by myself.  They have yet to give me any details on how they are going to run the store/restaurant to help alleviate the virus from spreading.  They just said they are working on a plan and I will find out when I get there.  Cathy has advised me to be ready to leave if the store's plans endanger my health.  I agree with her warning, but this virus, and it's prevention, has been generating a baffling array of advice from many sources. 
   My friends at Yellowstone will start to arrive for work on May 25th.  The park will definitely be in a reduced operating environment.  Many hotels, lodges and restaurants will not be opened or will open later in the summer as the park initiates a phased approach to full operation.  I worry about my 83 year old friend Jack who will be working once again in the grocery at Old Faithful General Store.  He should be home and resting, but he loves Yellowstone and cannot stand being cooped up in an apartment under quarantine.  I will be praying for him for sure.
   After my contract is over, Lord willing, I will head up to Yellowstone and see my friends.  I am sure I will miss working there this year, but South Dakota will provide me with a lot of new adventures and I hope new friends.  I plan on taking a long route back home so that I can visit a few people that I worked with at Yellowstone.  Most will be working in Colorado.  So I know the trip will be very pretty.

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