Wednesday, September 9, 2020


Ruminations: "The action of chewing the cud" 
   Well I have been home for a while now and all I can think of is how to get back to the mountains.  They do get in your blood for sure.  Too much stuff going on here lately.  Covid, aging parents, sick grand-kids, surgeries, etc..  Cathy and I have been discussing just getting away but find it very hard to do when there is so much going on that needs our attention. 
   I have been looking at buying a camper and fond out that everyone is also looking at buying a camper.  Covid is scaring people from hotels.  Gas prices are down.  So the price of a camper is going through the roof.  I can't really justify a camper at the price they are asking right now.  I know I could get a used one but they are also asking a lot of money for them too.
   For some reason going to church just is not the same anymore.  Covid has kept people away and Sunday School classes are down to just one.  I have to concentrate a lot on God to get anything out of the services.  When you have to distance yourself in the church you can not get close to people.  Hugs and handshakes are practically non-existent.  I am pretty sure this whole time is a test by God to see if we can still remain close to him and others, but boy is it very hard.  
   I don't know how some businesses are going to do long term.  I see many struggling and many screaming for workers.  I came back into town to see some businesses closed down.  It will be very hard for small businesses to stay afloat for sure.  I am also sadden to see the local theater is open but not getting much business.  Movies are not coming out fast enough because of Covid and the ones that are are not attracting people to a theater.  I would really hate to see us lose our local theater.


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