Monday, March 22, 2021


Trying times
    The new year has brought the praises of a vaccine but has also brought some trying medical issues.  When a mammogram does not go well you find out what is really important.  After all the tests and exams surgery was needed to ensure no cancer present.  After surgery the wait for results was very tense, but the doctor who did the surgery had a good feeling about what she removed.  We waited for the phone call concerning the results, but with modern technology we were able to get an idea of what was fond well before the doctor called.  You see it seems all hospitals want their patients to have access to a portal to get there money in a shorter time.  The portal is also where you can see what was done and test results.  We read the test results and from even our non-medical minds it looked like the cancer tests were negative.  Sure enough the doctor's office called a few days later and all was well.  Hurrah for technology. Now it is just a long process of healing, but praises all around.
  The new year also brings new concerns over aging parents.  I have learned over many years that we all will get older and sometimes health issues will happen.  I have also learned that you need to get closer to God in prayer during these often stressful time.  Asking God for not only healing and health of aging parents but wisdom to deal with issues. We have to learn that these are people who are sometimes scared about what is happening to them and this fear makes them act and react differently.  We need to learn to try to calm situations down and just see what can be done to allay their fears and thus make the precious time they have left more comfortable for them.  Hard lessons for sure and very hard to learn when your just as scared to see parents health failing, but God will be there in all situations and we just need to keep praying and trusting. 
  The new year also brings hope of another Yellowstone adventure.  I have a contract that will allow me to close the store and see the park in winter again.  Lord willing I will be able to make it through my contract this year, but I know with aging parents and other issues things may not go as planned.  No matter what happens I know it will be the Lord's will guiding me.  I look forward to seeing my Yellowstone friends again and working with some great people.  Wall Drug was great last year but I miss the mountains and all they bring. I will be stopping by Wall Drug on my way to Yellowstone just to say hello to my friends.  They were great to work with and I will always treasure the time spent there.  
   The new year also brings hope.  Go Cubs.  :)


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