Wednesday, April 6, 2022

A Rainy Day to Contemplate

    Right now Cathy and I are experiencing what everyone has to go through at sometime in their life,  aging parents.  Cathy's parents are getting older and their bodies are giving out.  God has blessed them with the ability to be together for 70 plus years, but things are happening that are causing Cathy and her sister concern.  We worry about their safety and what we can do to help, but every avenue we have tried has been met with resistance.  Short of someone just moving in with them, we have just about exhausted things to do.  Some people are blessed with parents who live a long life and one day God takes them home.  But when a person gets set in their ways and their bodies just give out or are in the process of giving out, then that is another story.  You love them and want what is best for them but time is taking a toll on them.  I pray every day for them and what we are to do to help them.  I know God hears my prayers and he has a plan.  My In-laws are great people, who have been great servants for God for many many years.  I know they love God and God loves them.  I also know things will not get any better.  We just have to make every effort to check on them and be their for them if they need something.  I have learned that we cannot push them in a direction.  They have to make the decision for themselves, but it is hard when their safety is a major concern.

   I have been walking everyday and every lap I make around the neighborhood makes me miss Sammy more.  

  I am beginning to get an itch for the mountains.  It is going to be hard not working out west this year.

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