Friday, July 15, 2022

And Life Continues to Get Complicated

    Dealing with aging parents is very tough in deed.  Every person who has a mother or father will one day have to deal with aging parents.  You were raised by them and you love them, but as they get older they get younger mentally.  There are days you have to treat them like a 5 year old and there are days they act like a 5 year old.  This process tests your patience and your love completely.  It takes a whole family to care for one aging family member.  There are times you want it to stop with their death, but you know that is just Satan trying to pull the love out of you.  All I can say is during these times to pray and lean on each other.  Try not to take things personally and work as a family team.  Also get plenty of rest and eat nutritious food, as you will need the strength to mentally and physically deal with the every day trials.

   I long for the mountains and solitude everyday.

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