Friday, April 14, 2023

T - Minus 7 Days Until 2023 Yellowstone Adventure Begins

    It has been a busy week getting things done around the house before I leave.  Also Cathy and he sister have been working on clearing out their parents house in preparation to be sold.  I have been the official hauler to Goodwill.  This week I think I have taken 7 truck loads of just glassware to Goodwill.  All of the relatives have come and claimed anything they wished to have from the old home place, but it seems no one really wants glassware anymore.  My In-Laws were glassware hoarders for sure.  It seems my Mother-In-Law never threw out a vase either.  I think I had three boxes of just glass vases.

  I have got my reservation for my first stop.  As usual I will be making it to Onawa Iowa on my first day.  It is a great spot to stop for the night as it is on I-29 just short of South Dakota.  I have not made up my mind on where I will be stopping the second night.  From my initial investigation, it looks like I will be seeing snow piled up on the sides of the highway as soon as I get into South Dakota.  They have had at least three blizzards this winter.  It looks like Wyoming and Montana will be about the same.  They have the interstates cleared off pretty well and unless I meet another snow storm, it should be clear driving to West Yellowstone and checking in on the 24th.

  Next week will be when the packing begins and finishing up some truck maintenance. Also trying to remember the many things Cathy has to look out for while I am gone. 

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