Saturday, December 30, 2023

End of Year and New Year Happenings

   It has been a great year and God has blessed my family greatly.  We may have lost love ones, but I know where they are and one day I will see them again.  The work in Yellowstone this year was fantastic and I don't think I had any better experience in the dorm than I had this year.  Cathy and I were able to get to Tennessee and Branson this year and had a great time.  

   Coming up next year will be another trip to Tennessee and something very special.  The day after school gets out, me and my two oldest grandsons will be setting out on a trip west.  I am going to introduce them to Yellowstone and those places that I have grown to love.  I will get to show them Wall Drug and where I worked. I will introduce them to some of the people I have been working with over the years.  Both of my grandsons have told me over and over that they can't wait until May and the adventure begins.  I hope and pray that they will be as touched by the sights and places as I was when dad took me out west on our motorcycle adventure.

   Also this coming year I was asked to come back to work at Yellowstone general store for a short season.  They offered me a 33 day contract and I accepted it.  My plan is to work there and then travel to Cero Gordo and visit Death Valley. 

   Also coming up in 2024, Cathy and I will officially be on Medicare.  It is tough getting older, but I am blessed by God to be able to have good health insurance.

   I hope to get in another trip with Cathy to some place new and different.  Not that I don't like Branson or Tennessee, but I think there is some place else calling our name.

  That is all for now.  Thanks for reading and may you all have a blessed 2024.

p.s.  Another personal highlight for me this year is the Tony Kornheiser had read 6 of my emails to him this year.  His podcast is heard by a couple million listeners.  So I am getting my 15 minutes of fame 30 seconds at a time.  :)

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