Friday, June 30, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Starts July 10th

   Hello all.  I am glad you are here and reading my blog.  Well I did it again and accepted a cashier job at Yellowstone.  I am to report to Bozeman Montana on July 10th for orientation and processing.  Later that day I will venture 3 hours south to begin work at the Old Faithful General Store.  Since I have to report on July 10th I will be heading out from Linton on July 7th.  My route will take me along my favorite road west.  Linton to Little Sioux Iowa, then to Rapid City South Dakota and then to Bozeman Montana.  Most of the trip will be on I-90 West.
   My contract will be from July 10th to October 30th 2017.  So I will get to see Yellowstone at the beginning of winter.  Something I have never done before.  I will also see what it is like to close down the General Store for the season.  Leaving the park that late in the season may force me to take a different route home than my usual route through Cody, as the mountain passes may not be drive-able at that time of year.
  I may not blog as much as I have in the past, unless something special happens.  I will for sure blog my days off, which are special days for me.  Thanks again for reading and if you can please pray for Cathy as she watches over the house and kids while I am gone.  Also please pray for me and my health and safety while I am gone.


Bret Hobbs

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