Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Packing and preparation begins

   Today I got up early to begin work around the house in preparation to leave on Friday. First order of business was to get the cars switched, as I will be driving Cathy's car and she will have the privilege of driving my blue transit connect van. She just loves that part of me being gone. :) After the vehicles were cleaned and items switched into each other's vehicle. Then it was time to load a few items into the car I will be driving. I bought a lot of bottled water for the trip as I needed quite a bit for hikes and just to have in the dorm. I loaded up the winter emergency stuff, the first aid kit, hiking backpack and walking stick, folding chair and several bucket hats. After the vehicles were done I decided to mow the lawn and do the weed eating, as I did not want Cathy to have to worry about that for a couple weeks. With the little rain we have been getting the lawn may go two weeks between mows. The next job was to get the house siding cleaned. Using my son's power washer made quick work of that. While I was working my neighbor Nick Moore came over to pray for me and my trip. Nick is a man I admire and always cherish his prayers.
  With this chores done I went into the house and worked on putting items in the two totes. I have kept a list of items I needed since last year and I am using that as a check list for this year's trip. Tomorrow I head to Greenwood to get the oil changed and to search for some Navy blue shirts, as it seems Delaware North now requires employees to furnish their own work shirts. So much for my raise. :)

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