Friday, July 21, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 12

   Got up early to get some clothes done, colors this time. Spent time watching television and then reading in front of the general store before lunch.  Lunch was fantastic. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and chocolate cake for dessert. Not a bad way to start a work day.
  The place was fairly busy but not overly so. The best customer question of the year so far was "How do I reserve a seat to see Old Faithful erupt?".  Heidi and I just looked at her and said "You don't need any reservations, just go out there and view the eruption." She just looked at us and thought we were crazy. After she left Heidi and I thought maybe she wanted a good seat away from the commoners.
   Another customer, who was very rude, asked where she could get a Dr. Pepper. She then chastised us very seriously for not having Dr. Pepper. She then repeated the question but more forcefully. "Where can I get a Dr. Pepper?" I told her I did not know and she looked at other cashiers who were working with other customers and repeated the question more loudly. When they just looked at her and went back to servicing their customers the lady claimed they were ignoring her. I rang up her bill and gave her the change and wished her well on her search for a Dr. Pepper. She looked at me and just humphed and walked away. I just shook my head. The other cashier by me just laughed and said "You meet them all at the register for sure."
  I was glad to get a break from some of the customers. After a dinner of cereal I went back to work. Business was very slow and it was not long before I went to stock the refrigerators. Megan was in charge tonight and around 8:30 she told me I could leave for the night whenever I felt the refrigerators were stocked. I worked until nine and then went to the counting room and put my money up. After clocking out I went back into the store and shopped for some gifts for the grandkids. Today the workers get 50 percent off of any merchandise, except alcohol. Since the grandkids don't drink, I got them some shirts and a little outfit for baby Vivian.
  I forgot to mention I worked with a man named Demetri and he was from the Ukraine. He said he liked the peace and quiet of Yellowstone over the Ukraine.
   Today was payday and I get the next two days off. I will be heading to the Grand Tetons tomorrow to see some old friends and get in a short hike. I will post some pictures when I can to Facebook.  Thanks for reading and thanks for the prayers. Cough much better today and getting better.

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