Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 2

   Well after some orientation training from Carrie, I stepped back into the role of cashier. I was given my 300 dollars and a key to a lock box. Which I signed to protect at all costs. I then headed to the floor to work. After about ten minutes of getting the cobwebs out I was cashiering like I never left the job. I can tell you that some of the computer people must have heard our suggestions, because the point of sale terminal had new features that made my life easier. I worked next to Sandi, who kept a wary eye on me until she realized that I did know what I was doing. Not too many interesting events happened during my shift. I will be working day shifts for this week. Carrie said by next week I will be set on my schedule and I should consistently have Fridays and Saturdays off. Last year I had Tuesdays and Wednesdays off.
   Since there was not much happening today I will fill you in on the happenings at the store before I got here. My friend Bob had two stints put in last month. He told me he was hiking and felt like someone was standing on his chest. Went to Bozeman where he got the procedure done. He is doing well and I am glad he got a shot across the bow and not died of a heart attack.
  I was informed that the store had to trap fourteen pine martens after the store opened. Those guys just had the run of the place. The employees would find them just about anywhere. While working they would see them running around in the rafters or going up and down the stairs. They tipped over a bottle of wine and broke it all over the floor. They finally trapped the last one. All the trapped ones were relocated somewhere in the park.
   One of the guys I worked with and went to church with last year named John. Is just returning back to work after being off with the chicken pox. He is looking better and will be back to work, he said, in a day or two.
   Well that is about it. Please say a prayer for my health. I have not been feeling well lately. I hope it is just traveling or altitude, but if it does not clear up soon I may have to make a trip to the clinic.  Take care all.

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