Thursday, July 27, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 19

  This is one day I hope to not repeat. Last night we had several power outages. The room was pretty stuffy without the fans running. Got up early for breakfast not knowing what chaos awaited all the cashiers after our hearty meal. I went into the store like normal and got my til. When I went to my station I noticed the other three cashiers were still at their stations. Usually they would be off to other parts of the store stocking shelves. I asked them what was going on and they said they could not get their terminals to respond. I went to my terminal and woke it up and logged in just fine. It seemed that I had the only working cash register station in the grocery section. There was only one register working in the apparel section also and none working in the fountain section. Carrie came over and was on the phone immediately to the IT group. In the mean time she said I was to stay on my register and cover the grocery section until they could get IT into the store. So I had to stand at my register from 7am until 11:30. Needless to say I was bored stiff and my legs were killing me. I can stand walking for miles or constantly moving around but my knees do not like standing in one position for that long. As the morning rolled on business picked up and my station went from bored to chaos. Finally around 10am the IT folks showed up with the news that corporate was responsible for the downed terminals. They tried to push an update to the terminal software and that is what took them all down, except mine and another. This was happening all over the park at Delaware North stores and in the United States, at their other locations. Someone needs to whip a computer programmer. :) The IT person had to go to each terminal to fix the problem but could only get the terminals to handle cash transactions. Heidi ran through a few transactions and the terminal continued to act flakey. So basically I had to handle all credit card transactions and the other Grocery registers could only do cash transactions.
   Finally shift change came at 11:30 and we were glad to turn over the problem to the next shift. Lunch was great, as usual and I was able to do some laundry and take a short nap.
   After our three hour break we went back on the floor and found out that the IT group fixed all the terminals and everything was back to normal. Thank you Lord.  It was fairly slow after the break and I appreciated that.
  Not too many customer stories because I was too busy to do much interacting. I did have a nice talk to a few tourist families who picked my brain on what to do in the park and what to see. I still can't believe so many tourist do not want to see other Geysers besides Old Faithful. It was refreshing to talk to tourists who wanted to at least try to see some other Geysers in the area.
  I had three guys come to my register who were hiking the continental divide trail. They were at 2000 mile marker and had 1000 miles left to go. They bought a bunch of high energy snacks. They also repeated something I have heard from hikers before. They said there were a lot of nice people who helped them with water and food. They said it refreshes your feelings toward humanity. Nice seeing people being nice to others.
   That is about all for this long long day. By the way I stunk at bingo and never won one game last night. Goodnight all and be well and stay well. Thanks for reading.

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