Sunday, July 23, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 15

   No hiking today just some traveling. I got up early to get some breakfast and then headed to church at the Old Faithful Inn.  The church services were very good and right before the services began Old Faithful erupted. The church services on Sunday morning are held on the second floor observation deck in the inn. The message theme was the change in Paul when he met Jesus. The young man did a pretty good job.
  After services I headed out to Bozeman to head to their Walmart. Bob needed medicine and Jack needed some mailers to send presents home to relatives. The drive was very pretty today. The day was clear and the Gallitin range and river were beautiful to drive around and through. Interestingly you leave the park and then after several miles going north you enter the park again, but do not have to pay any toll. So there are sections of Yellowstone that are free to enter and if you hike and camp you can just hike in and through to the pay area.
  The drive to Bozeman was pretty uneventful and I got to the Wal-Mart around 11am. Bob called ahead and I had no issues picking up his medicine. Now the store did not have very many mailing envelopes, so I bought Jack all they had.
   Leaving Walmart I decided to go back through Yellowstone via Livingston and Gardner. That way I could see the backside of the Beartooth mountains and travel through the east side of the park getting back to the dorm. I was hoping to see some animals. Unfortunately the only animals I saw were elk and one of them was dead on the highway just outside of Livingston. Who ever hit that elk shoved it right into the guard rail. It was a mess and I am sure the vehicle that hit it did not fair well. The other elks were laying around Mammoth and it's grass parks. I took pictures of them and will upload to Facebook shortly. The trip back to the dorm was uneventful but beautiful. So far we have had no fires yet, but it is getting drier each day. I suspect we will have a few lightening strikes in the next few weeks. Let's just pray they don't get huge and spread like last year's.
   That is about all. I start back on days tomorrow. Thanks for reading and take care.

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