Thursday, July 6, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day before leaving

  I remembered to check when the Hyundai needed it's next oil change. I had 1000 miles left but thought it would be good to get out changed before I left. The Hyundai dealer was able to get me in the day before I leave. So here I am waiting for my 1:45 appointment.
   I left Linton early so that I could find some Navy blue shirts to wear at work. I also need to get to a bookstore to fill up on reading material. I got to Greenwood and went into JC Penney, as it was the first place I got to. I went up the escalator and just to the right was a sale display with navy blue short sleeve collared shirts. Regular 30 dollars and on sale now for 9.99. I could not believe my good fortune as they had three in the size I needed. After a short trip to the fitting room to verify they fit, I purchased the three and went next door to the Barnes and Noble.
   I only need three or four books to take with me and quickly found some Clive Cusler and Tom Clancy that I had not read. I purchased those and packed them in the car. The Hyundai has a great storage area in the back under the carpet. I put several bottles of water in it, the books, the first aid kit, the ice scraper, the winter hat and gloves, my hiking stick and a few other items. The area holds quite a bit for sure. I plan on taking a few Louis L'Amour's with me as what would be the west without the guy that got me thinking about the west when I was young.
   Several people have asked me why I am going to Yellowstone again. Well I have been thinking a lot about that. First I think it is wonder lust and how the mountains and rivers have gotten into my blood. After working in my brother's tax business earlier this year, I just felt called to get back out there. I tried many times to get a short contract so that Cathy could join me, but it just did not work out. I don't know if Cathy is disappointed or not. You will have to ask her that question, but as for me I will miss her very much. The second reason I decided to go is from something my neighbor Virginia Lee said to me. She asked me about my going to Yellowstone and I told her I was trying to get a contract for Cathy and I to go. She said, "Bret you need to do this while you can. One day you will be using one of these." Pointing at her walker. "Then you will look back on the times of your life when you still had your health and you will regret not doing it." I think that affected me a lot. She is right as there are times since I retired where I sat in the house and thought about my own mortality. I don't know how long God will give me on earth or how long I will feel like doing something like this. So I am going to at least make the attempt and take away the possible regret later in my life.
   I always know God is with me where ever I go. The Holy Spirit will guide me to talk to others and help me to be a positive influence. God kicked my butt last year and taught me a valuable lesson. If you want to learn about that lesson just listen to the message I preached on January 1st. You can find it at the web site. I plan on keeping that lesson in my mind for sure. I don't know what God has planned for me this summer, but I will be praying and reading his word daily for guidance. I hope Jack and I can get another Bible study going in the dorm.


  1. Southside has a small library that has some Louis L'Amour books there.

    1. I never relinquished my collection from my Navy days. They are all stacked in my closet. Taking five with me. Chosen at random.
