Friday, July 14, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 5

   It was a fairly uneventful day today. The only thing different was I was assigned to run the cash register in the area called the island. This is a new area that was set up when they renovated the fountain area to include the ice cream area. I like the space when it is empty but when it becomes packed with tourists wanting food and ice cream and there is very little ventilation. It becomes, to say it political correct, very very rank with sweaty customer BO. It was a very warm day today and you could tell it. Most of the customers were sweaty from having to stand out in the sun to wait for Old Faithful to erupt. I wished for a cool breeze to happen today to take the stank away, but it never happened.
   The good part was working with a new person. His name was Artem and he hails from St Petersburg Russia. I had some great conversations with him and he relied on me several times to answer tourist questions, as he had a bit of trouble understanding them sometimes. He is working with another Russian girl named Alenia. They both are nice kids and seem to enjoy working in the park.
  Tomorrow is my first day off and I don't plan on hiking due to not feeling one hundred percent. So I will make it a day of traveling up on top of the Bear Tooth and eat lunch at 14,000 feet. Then head to Red Lodge and then to Cody.  Thanks for reading and I will report any great sightings I may have in tomorrow's blog. I will post pictures on Facebook also. Keep praying for my health and I appreciate all the prayers.

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