Monday, July 17, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 8

   Today started late shift and going into work at 11:30 work till 2:30 then back at 5:30 till 9:30. Woke up this morning feeling run down but after a shower I felt a little better. Took some pills for a headache. I then went to the front of the store to read sitting in a chair in the sun for about an hour. Headed back to the dorm to get changed into uniform and headed to lunch. After lunch I hit the floor and worked the cash register next to Bob in the grocery area. Man it was packed and busy from 11:30 until the 2:30 break. About half way into the shift my cough started again and around 5pm I started to feel very run down. I worked until 8pm and Robert let me go early when I told him I was not feeling too perky. Tomorrow I will head to the clinic and get this figured out. My chest is not feeling well and I can't shake this rundown feeling of no energy. I also seemed to have lost my appetite. I eat when it is time but nothing really tastes good.
   Not much happened today with the Tourists other than it seems to be "Set your car alarm off day". All day long beep beep beep beep. Temperatures have cooled down a little and sleeping is better. That is where I am headed now. To bed and praying for this to either pass or find out what is causing it. I appreciate the prayers and please pray for a friend of mine named Larry Gates, who is recovering from cancer surgery. I know Larry would appreciate it. Take care and stay well.


  1. Prayers for you and your friend.

    1. Thanks Sandi and I have been praying for you and your knee replacement.
