Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 17

   Got up early again and had a great breakfast of blueberry pancakes and sausage. Have I ever told you how great cooks James and Kathy are? After breakfast I headed into a rather dark store. Seemed no one turned on the lights. When I got to the cashier till room the door was locked. It seemed Robert, the floor supervisor, over slept. Luckily Julian showed up to let's us in to get our money squared away. Robert eventually showed up, but that is the first time I have ever seen Robert late.
   Not much going on in the morning. It was Hawaiian shirt day today and so far the only cashier to wear a Hawaiian shirt was Nobel. I checked my til in at a cash register in the grocery section and went to work stocking the refrigerator. A short time later a new kid showed up by the name of Rudi. Dianne then started training him in the grocery section. That is where he will be working until October 30th. He seemed like a nice kid and was really wanting to learn the ins and outs of grocery stocking. A short time later Robert asked me to move from grocery to apparel, because Nobel took sick. It must have been the Hawaiian shirt. :)
   I worked in grocery stocking for a few hours and then the store started to get busy. Folks from 10:30 until I got off at 5:30 the place was packed and busy as all get out. I was grateful for the 3 hour break. My legs are killing me having to stand behind the register for three hours straight. Around 3:30 it started to rain and that drove even more people into the store. Needless to say we sold a lot of ponchos today. The temperatures stayedd pretty cool and we sold a lot of coats too.
   Not too many good customer stories, but I did get to meet several people from Indiana though.  The highlight of my day was when my friend Doris came to my register. She worked with me last year and is working at Colter Bay in the Tetons now. At first I did not recognize her and thought she was just another customer. Then it clicked and I came from around my station and gave her a big hug. She looked great and we talked for as long as the crowds would let me leave my station. Jud, my fellow cashier, was getting upset that customers were waiting too long. It was sure great to see Doris, even for a short time. I told her I would try to get down south to see her and she went off to say hello to others that she knew.  You make a lot of friends working here for sure. I also got to meet some of George's relatives who were up visiting. I am sure George will take them on a hike and show them the beauty of the park.
  That is about it for today. Stay well all and thanks for reading.

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