Friday, July 28, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 20

   Made it through my Friday and looking forward to two days off. There was not much that happened today. It was a very slow day but at least I got to stock most of the morning to kill time.
  I was pulled aside today for special training that may be required next week. It seems they are going to try to push a computer update to our cash registers next Wednesday. The training was to explain to me what I was to do if the update killed the cash registers. Yes folks I got instructed on how to use the old credit card knuckle buster machine. I also was instructed to write down every UPC code of every item I sold. I hope the update works because this will make every transaction take about ten minutes and the lines will get rather long quickly.
  On a bragging note, I was shown a report of how I was doing with my money in the register. My range went from being over a dollar to being over 14 cents. The shift supervisor said I was doing a good job. Mostly the overage is due to people just telling me to keep the change or the pennies. I just leave everything in the register.
  Well that is all and I am looking forward to the days off tomorrow. I will probably hike around the geyser area and see places I have not yet seen.  Take care you all.

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