Monday, July 24, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 16

   Day shift work today. Up at 6am, breakfast and then hit the floor cashiering. No business at all this morning to deserve 8 cashiers. So I spent the morning working in the grocery area stocking. I got to work with Dianna and Ron. Since it was Monday the inventory was running down. Most of the deliveries happen in the next few days. Although the ice cream guy was here delivering 25 five gallon buckets of various ice cream flavors. He comes 4 times a week with about the same load. Ice cream is popular for sure.  The ice man was also there filling up the ice storage machine. 10 lb bags selling for 3.49 a piece. He makes several trips a week also. I have learned the art of fronting and ensuring the older stuff goes in front and newer in back.
  Around 10:45 I went to my cash register as business was picking up slightly. I managed to break a bottle of whiskey also. You see all hard liquor have a magnetic theft prevention ring attached to the top of the bottle. To release this theft device you basically hit the ring against a device bolted to our register areas. The device releases the magnetic ring. I hit the device twice and nothing happened. On the third time the neck broke on the bottle and about a cup of whiskey went all over my counter. Needless to say I was shut down for awhile to get the mess cleaned up. Unfortunately the place stunk for awhile. Believe it or not the cashiers break a few bottles during the season doing this same procedure.
   Not too many customer stories today. But for dinner Kathy and James turned the cooking over to one of the Taiwanese workers, who wanted to create a Taiwanese meal. Her name is Eva and she made ginger chicken, shrimp fried rice and chicken soup with vegetables. The Taiwanese workers ate it up like crazy. I liked it too. We had fortune cookies for dessert too.
  Rain came around 5pm and cooled the place off some. I would imagine sleeping will be nice tonight.  That is all for now. Take care and be nice to one another.

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