Thursday, July 13, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 4

   Got up this morning still feeling rather punky. Took allergy medicine and went to breakfast. Pretty much coughed all day. If this does not clear up soon I will be making a trip to the clinic to get lungs and heart looked at.
  Carrie called a meeting of the cashiers and gave us some instructions on those things that need to be done at the start of the shift and at the end. Not too many thing I did not know before, but good for all to hear and have no excuses.  After straightening up some apparel stuff, I headed into the refrigerators to help Ron out. Seems like Ron was the only one working in the grocery today, as his two helpers both had days off. I worked there for a couple of hours and then around 10 I took up my position at the cash register. I worked next to Sherri and Felicia. I am beginning to learn at least one new name a day. I have yet to work with or have to learn the names of the several Taiwanese workers we have at the store this year. Except for May You that Patrick introduced me to.
   Only a few interesting things happened today. One was a Chinese man who came to my registers and asked where the cafeteria parking was. I told him the only cafeteria that I know was in the Old Faithful Lodge. He said he parked his car by the place where they ate and when the went to see the Geysers they got turned around and could not find where they parked. I gave him directions to the lodge and where it's parking lot is. He thanked me and I wished him luck.
  Another interesting thing happened dealing with a person knocking over some coffee cups onto the floor. The fellow was one of the people we get every once in awhile to set up a table in front of our massive fireplace and sell their wares. This fellow was a photographer and a book seller. His pictures were great, but rather pricey to me. I checked out many people who purchased his photographs and books of photographs. So he was doing pretty good and I am sure the store's take on his sales was good too. That is until he packed up for the day and was carrying a stack of his stuff to his car. He grabbed his stack of stuff and then proceeded to take out a massive amount of coffee mugs when he hit the supporting post of a display table. I was waitng on a tourist when I heard the initial crash. It was loud as he took out six or seven mugs but he was between a rock and a hard place because he took out the support leg and the table was leaning on him. So as he stood there more coffee mugs just kept sliding off the display table. The crashes lasted a long time. Several workers came to his rescue and his face was just sheer terror. Robert the supervisor had to take photos of the mess and all broken things had to be reported. So much for any profit from that guy selling items in the store.
  Another interesting thing happened last night as the store has a softball team. They had a game scheduled at six in the field close to where our worker campers park. They could not start the game for 35 minutes because a bison was in the field. Sometimes on the pitchers mound and other times in the outfield. The bison never seemed to care about holding up the game at all.
   Well that is about it for today. I have taken some cough medicine and I hope I can get a good night's sleep tonight. Keep praying for my health and thanks for reading.

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