Friday, July 21, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 11

   Got up semi early and decided to get clothes and sheets washed. Feeling fairly good but cough is still there. Took some medicine to help cough and an allergy pill.
   The laundry room was empty and it did not take me too long to get the clothes done. The common room was empty so I was able to watch some TV while washing the clothes.
   After laundry if was time to get the uniform on and head for lunch. Kathy and James fixed some great ham and sweet potatoes. A great lunch to start the day. I went out on the floor to work a cash register in the grocery section and got to work next to Faizi for the first time. He seems like a nice enough kid but a bit of a slacker. Reminded me a lot of Race from last year. During the shift Sandra told him to his face that he needs to stay and work and quit walking off and leaving his station. I told him I agreed with her. It did not seem to mean much to him, just as it did not mean much to Race in the past.
   Not too many tourist stories to note but got to wait on many different countries for sure. Also unfortunately I had to sell liquor to a few people I think should stop their drinking. When I have to get their money and practically count it out for them, that is an indication to stop. Also I get to remember the park workers that I sell hard liquor to on practically a daily basis. Too much drinking going on for sure.  Well off my soap box.
   It rained today but the first part of my shift was fairly busy. Once the 2:30 break came I was grateful to be able to sit and rest.
   After break and dinner I went back onto the floor. It was fairly busy until 6:30, then things slowed down a lot. Around 8pm I went to work in the refrigerators and stocked in the grocery for awhile. My stamina held up and I was able to make it to the 9:30 store closing ok.
   I am writing this in bed in the dorm. My roommate has gone out for a late night snack of cheese fries. Brandon is a hard worker and gets to work some weird hours, but he does not complain.
That is about it for today. Thanks for the prayers and keep them coming. I hope my coughing quits totally some day. Stay well.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for your continued healing. Also that God allows opportunities for you to witness to others to show His grace. Be well.
