Monday, July 10, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 1

   Today started my first day as a Delaware North employee. I got up early and took a nice long bath. Because I knew taking a bath would be a thing of the past for the next three months or so. After the long soak I gathered my stuff and checked out of the hotel. I then headed to McDonald's for breakfast and to kill time before I had to check into Delaware North at 10.  I forgot to tell you how nice a town Bozeman is. It has plenty of shops, places to eat and places to stay. Being about 90 miles from Yellowstone, it would make a good place to stay while visiting Yellowstone. In case anyone is interested.
  I made it to my appointment a little early and proceeded to get checked in as a worker for the summer. I was the first to check in and as I was a returning worker there was little in the way of training I had to go through. There was plenty of paperwork to sign though. After about 40 minutes I was all done and was released to head down to the Old Faithful general store and report to Carrie. The trip down took me into the Gallitin national forest and the highway followed the Gallitin River most of the way. Heading into those mountains made me feel great. About halfway to West Yellowstone I was driving fairly close to the river and I spotted movent off to my right. Sure enough a medium sized grizzly was walking next to the road. I wanted to stop to take some pictures but I had to get to the store. So I just slowed down to look at the bear for awhile. Once I sped up to head down the road, I looked in my rearview mirror and sure enough cars were pulling over starting a nice little road block. I smiled as I think the bear was welcoming me back into the area. I hope I see many more before I leave in October.
   I arrived at the general store around 1:30 and found a parking place behind the store where I usually parked before. I got out and walked into the store to meet with Carrie, but before I could enter the store I ran into Ron. Ron runs the grocery side of the store and I did a lot of work for him toward the end of stint last year. We shook hands and I told him it was good to see him. He said he had a spot open up for a person to fill the refrigerators. I told him I will have to report to Carrie but I am sure I will be able to help him out at some point in my contract. Carrie was in her office and after a hug and exchanging pleasantries she explained to me what I needed to do.  The rest of the day was for me to get unpacked and moved into the dorm. Also I was to get my car sticker so I could get on and off Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons without paying. She said I was to report to her tomorrow at 9 for some indoctrination with other new workers who were coming in.  She then gave me my dorm key and told me I would be rooming with a guy named Brandon. Brandon was a contract painter for the summer. She took me to the dorm and checked out the room to ensure it was ok for two. Brandon was there and I got to introduce myself to him. He seems like a pleasant person. Although he said he originally came from Missouri and was a Cardinal fan. So I may have some interesting Cub Cardinal discussions with him. :) After Carrie left I the unloaded my car and brought my stuff into the room. It did not take to long to get things unpacked and put up. I also got the bed made and my fan started.
   I went around and talked to many guys I worked with last year. My room is next to Jack's and George's. I ran into Julian in the cash room. I ran into Bob in the dorm common room. I went into the store and talked to Patrick, who was working cashier. He ribbed me about coming back to work here again. I told him I got addicted to the smell of sulphur and had to come back. I got to see Robert again as he made his rounds in the store. I hear Anna is working in the Old Faithful lower general store. As well as two others from last year's crew.
  I asked George about the dorm situation and he said it was pretty full. Last year we had quite a few RVers and fewer dorm people. But this year it is the opposite. So that is why I got a roommate this year. Toward the end of the contract people start to leave around September I may be able to get a room to myself.
   I am writing this laying in my bed. Soon it will be dinner time. I already ran into Kathy and James. It was good to see them running the EDR again this year. They are such a great couple.  After dinner I hope to get a book and go to the Old Faithful Inn to read for awhile. I may also take a walk around the geyser basin too. That is all for now. Take care and keep praying for me and Cathy.

1 comment:

  1. Just read your comments, from last to first. It is how i do things i guess. I love reading them. You need to publish these and your pictures. Take care, and prayers for you and Cathy.
