Sunday, July 16, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 7

  Well one week is in the books and only 12 more to go. :) Since this is Sunday and I worked a day shift, I am writing this in front of the Old Faithful Lodge. I will be attending church services in the rec center shortly. In a few minutes Old Faithful will be going off and I will try to get a video of it to upload to Facebook.
   The day was pretty uneventful as I clocked in at 7 and pretty much worked the grocery with Dianne and Jack. The morning was not busy at all and I did not have to report to my cash register until 11am.
  One highlight was I got to work side by side with Winnie, a Taiwanese girl. She was a very good worker and told me she was following her sister's footsteps, as he sister worked at Yellowstone the past two years. Her and I worked great together because in the afternoon we got a lot of tourist questions asked of us. She handled all the Chinese tourists and I handled all the English speaking tourists. Believe me it was a relief to know with 100 certainty that a Chinese tourist understood our directions.  Winnie was also relieved to know I did not mind fielding the questions that she could not quite understand.  She introduced me to a few other Taiwanese workers, but until I work with them for a shift I doubt if I will remember their names.
  One of the things I have simpathy for is those workers who don't have any vehicle. So after a few weeks I will transport two or three around the park. Just so they see more than just the Old Faithful area.  Winnie said her and others are really wanting to see snowfall. They don't leave until mid September, so I assured her the chances are good for them to see snow.
   Well that is about it. Not much in the way of customer stories today. So I will leave you with a story of a tourist who thought it would be nice to get their kid's picture on the back of a bison. I don't know how it came out or who stopped them, but come on folks they are wild animals.  Take care you all and I switch to night shift tomorrow. Going in at 11.30am. I get to sleep in. Yeah.

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