Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 18

   Got up for another early shift. Last night we had some thunder and lightening come through and it was very loud, but at least it was cool to sleep through.  Breakfast was great and went to the till room and got my cash and headed to my grocery register. I worked next to Heidi today. Early in the shift I went to help stock in the grocery area. They had plenty of help so after about an hour and a half I went to my register and basically was bored to death for three hours. There was not very much business and the floor was stocked pretty well. So I just waited on the few customers that came in.
   I was grateful for my 11:30 break and lunch.  After lunch it stormed again with lightening and thunder and that disturbed my nap. :) But the storm quickly passed and by the time I went back to work the sun was out again.
   Some very interesting things happened when I went back to work. We had a lost child incident. The parents were very distraught but the child was found in the grocery section wandering around. After some great hugs from the parents, they were on their way.
  For my story I had a lady come to my register with a lot of groceries. I asked her if she wanted a souvenir bag to put the items in and she indicated yes. I rang up the bag and proceeded to ring up the items. Placing them in the bag as I went. When I finished I told her the total was $49.86. She then said she had a hundred dollar bill on the counter when I started. I told her I did not see any bill as I was ringing up the items. She said she may have put it back and then she proceeded to pull her bra forward and reached in and pulled out the said one hundred dollar bill. She apologized and asked me to keep her bank a secret. I told her she did not have any issues there, unless she reads my blog. She hands me the rather sweaty bill and I did not even counterfiet check it. I gave her change back and stashed the bill in my drawer and then purelled the daylights out of my hands.  Shudder..  
   I got to talk to a couple from Little Nashville Indiana. They even knew about the Pine Room where Cathy's nephew Kade plays every Friday night.
  I met a few people from England and I am very proud of myself for being able to guess the specific area some of these people come from. For one couple I guessed Stratford Upon Avon and the guy laughed and congratulated me. I was one for three in my guesses today. It is very interesting to hear the different accents from the British visitors.
   Well that is about it. Tonight is bingo night and I will be trying to win some Yellowstone swag tonight. Take care you all and stay nice. I think I will go wash my hands again. :)

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