Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 3

   First full day of work and boy can I feel it in my legs. It is going to take a couple of weeks to get my sea legs under me. I clocked in at 7am, after a breakfast of fruit and eggs. I immediately went to work in the walk-in refrigerator. I stocked for two and a half hours in there and it basically was the same items as last year, except for one or two. Ron appreciated the help and I got to work with another woman named Diane. She was busy stocking the other walk-in refrigerator. She said it was good to have help and that she heard how nice a guy I was. Seems George told many workers this. So I definitely have to live up to the character George described. It was good to hear that I made a good impression on some workers last year.
  After stocking I went back to my cashier station. I was in apparel today and a little after ten it got very busy. Carrie has indicated that we are having a much busier year this year than last year. She indicated that the general stores in the park have made over three million in sales already this year. I think this year several records will be set.
  I got to talk to a couple from Israel and Australia today, as well as a family from Indianapolis.  Not too many interesting things happened during the shift, but I can tell you that that penny squishing machine is still bringing in the bucks. The grinding never stops and the requests for shiney pennies is on going.
  Well that is about it. I am taking these tired legs to bed early. Keep praying for my health as I am still coughing and not feeling 100 percent yet. Maybe a short seven Mile hike is what I need. Take care all and thanks for reading.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. If YOU have Epson salt, you may get some relief by soaking your feet! Sorry for the typo!
