Sunday, January 20, 2019


Ruminations for Sunday January 20th 2019

Did you know ruminations also means "the action of chewing the cud" I guess that is basically what my mind does with some ideas/thoughts. So here goes some chewing that has been on my mind lately.

  1. I find it very hard lately to stay positive. My defense against this is to get away from people and the news.  I also feel that this is not a good way to combat negativity but as I get older I have less time to spend with negative thoughts, people and situations. As you guessed it this means I also avoid the news and the news media.
  2. I have a very difficult time remembering people's names. I don't know why as I really try to remember the names of those I meet.  I just can't seem to do it.  I really envy those that can recall the first names of those that they meet days or weeks later.  I think that this is also a gift from God because it can be used so much to benefit people.
  3. While walking one day I was listening to a Daily Tech podcast that told of the development of a device that will be used by the internet of things that will require no power source.  This device will be able to draw all the power it needs from the transmissions in the air.  That made me wonder if all the cancers that are affecting our family and friends are a result of us doing it to ourselves.  All the transmissions around us, can they be slowly destroying our DNA and cells? Could it be found in the future that we actually were killing ourselves with all the new tech and new transmissions we are surrounding ourselves with.  Think of all that goes through a person each data. WIFI, TV, Cell Phone, Electric transmission, Bluetooth, FM, AM, etc..  It makes me wonder as my prayer list keeps getting bigger with cancer concerns.  More family and more friends are being stricken with this terrible disease. 
  4. Finally for today I have been struggling with people that seem to make bad decisions even when they know that the decision will be harmful. What has happened to common sense? It breaks my heart when this happens and children are involved.

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