Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Ruminations for Tuesday January 22nd 2019

    As I was walking around the neighborhood tonight I thought of the stories that are being told by the houses in my neighborhood. The stories vary from happy to sad and from interesting to shocking. I see a house that is for sale where a family was raised and now the house is too large for a couple getting older.  This I can relate to as Cathy and I sold our house shortly after I retired because it was too big for us and the three floors were getting a little tiring having to navigate. I also see a house that has been for sale for quite some time.  The house was previously owned by an individual who came into a lot of money very quickly. He could not handle his quick wealth and it was not long before it was all gone and the house was on the market.  Unfortunately the house was damaged by this person and his so called friends, who quickly abandoned him when the money ran out.  I also see a house that has been empty since I moved into the neighborhood 4 years ago.  I do not know what the story is, but I find it strange that such a nice house has been empty for so long.  Someone does the mowing every once in awhile and cleans up the property, but everyday I pass on my walk I see a house that is dying slowly. I also pass a house that I refer to as the mystery house.  I don't know who lives there as I have never seen anyone walking around the property. The shades are always drawn and the outside lights are on motion detectors. Someone takes very good care of the property and every once in awhile I see a vehicle parked in front of the house but it never stays.  I have told my wife that this has to be a CIA or FBI safe house. :)

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