Monday, February 4, 2019


One of the things I do everyday is to pray for people I know that are undergoing cancer treatment. The list of names gets to be very long and at times I start to feel overwhelmed. It is during those times that I try really hard to remember that my God is big and his power is mightier than cancer. I morn when a name is taken off my list because of death, but I cheer when a name is taken off my list because they have been ruled clean. It is those cheers that turn to praises to God and that is what keeps me going in my daily prayer. Every since my Dad died of cancer I have really started praying harder. God knows I hate cancer and I talk very frankly to God about my feelings on cancer. For every name on my list there is also prayers for their family. I know what cancer did to mine and I ask God to be with the families of all those names. 

Dear God please send wisdom and knowledge to someone to bring an end to this terrible disease that is striking down our family and friends. In Jesus name I pray this. Amen.

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