Friday, April 17, 2020

Special Places To Visit: The Rest Stop in South Dakota

      I know what you are thinking, "A Rest Stop?" Yes a rest stop is something you need to see if you ever travel across I-90 in South Dakota and especially if you are heading west.  A rest stop is just what it says, a place to rest.  This rest stop is special because after miles and miles of traveling west you are finally, in my opinion, officially heading into the west.  This rest stop is at Chamberlain South Dakota and right before you cross the mighty Missouri River.  Once you cross that river you will see the landscape changes dramatically. The land begins to appear drier, the wind seems to blow all the time, and you can start to see for miles and miles around you.
   This rest stop not only provides all the basic needs of a rest stop, but it is also a historical teaching spot.  You can learn about the area and the inhabitants of long ago.  They also have a great area detailing the Lewis and Clark expedition.  I have always imagined, while looking over the Missouri river, Lewis and Clark and their forces coming down this very river on their way to one of the greatest adventures man had ever had.
   Take your time to walk around and see the special displays the rest stop has and the great statue that is shown below.

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