Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Christmas Time a time to remember Jesus

    Well I am in the thick of the Christmas season.  The weather is not too Christmas like.  66 degrees one day and then 32 degrees and snow the next day.  I am trying my best to keep Jesus the focus of the season.  Especially with my grand kids.  To say this is tough is an understatement.  They are getting so much Santa stuff from their world that it is very hard to steer them back to the true meaning of this season.  I was relieved when they wanted to go with me to the Christmas walk at school.  We read every sign they had put up explaining the birth of Jesus.  I think it helped them a great deal.  I will take them to see the Christmas lights and have some hot chocolate one night also.

   I keep thinking I will try to write another short story one day but I have not had an idea stick in my head like I had in the past.  Maybe one day I will will wake up and have something stuck in my head so bad that I would have to get it down on paper.

  I have been back from Yellowstone for a month or more now and I already have itchy feet to get back to the mountains.  Once they get in your blood they can affect you the rest of your life.  I do miss my Yellowstone friends and I pray for them a lot as they all have life issues that they are working out.  I did hear from Jack and it seems that Delaware North will not be bringing him back next year.  Whether it was his age or health I don't know but I feel so bad for him.  He is 84 years old and has worked at the park for I think the last 16 or 17 years.  He said he would be contacting the HR head and hope that they will change their mind.  I hope they do but only if Jack is healthy to do the job.  This has been a tough year for him to say the least.

   Speaking of health I got my COVID booster shot today.  We will see how I feel tomorrow.  I think the shots are effective but I also think that the virus will keep on mutating to where we will never get off the vaccine express.

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