Thursday, February 3, 2022

Sitting in waiting on a snow storm

   Today is Thursday February 03 2022 and I am stuck at home waiting for a snow event that may or may not happen.  I can say we did get the ice event last night, as my back door was frozen shut.  The snow event is supposed to happen all day today according to the weather pud-nits. Cathy is still under the weather from a cold/flu and she has become very tired of the coughing and hacking.  I am sure it will pass but she is worried about our trip to Tennessee coming in the next few weeks.  

    COVID still is having an affect on our lives. The grand-kids are required to wear masks at school.  We have ordered our COVID testing kits.  These free kits will probably not be used by us but will be given out to those that need it to prove they can go to school or their job.  I will definitely be picking up the N95 masks when they become available, as I will need them for summer work I am sure.  COVID and the flu has been affecting church attendance and giving. Last year's giving was drastically down and I know that ministries will have to make adjustments this year to compensate. I don't know how long it will take to get back to where we were prior to COVID, but I know it is in God's hands and I trust him.

   I am extremely bored doing nothing but sitting around the house.  Cathy knows this and puts up with my being gone working with FLC or the church.  I totally believe that in retirement I should be working doing something.  I don't know how much time God will be giving me, but I do know that I should be doing some good somewhere.  

   I pray for my kids, their wives and my grand-kids daily.  The temptations of this world seems to be overtaking them all and that makes me worried.  Cathy and I try to point them to God when we can but they seem to be drifting a lot.  We must stay close to God during this time and lean on him during hard times.  I will keep praying for them all and try to drop seeds when I can.

   Snow is coming down a little harder.  We may just get the 3 inches that they predicted.  Kids may be able to use their sleds after this one comes through. 

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