Tuesday, March 22, 2022

My Grandchildren's future

    I get up every morning and begin my day with prayer.  I pray for a lot of things, cancer prayers, dementia prayers, world prayers, government prayers, church prayers, etc..  But I always ask God to watch over my sons, their wives and my grand-kids.  I turn my worry over how the future will be for my grand-kids to God.  I trust that He hears my prayers and watches over their steps.  I pray that they all find Jesus and maintain a moral compass in this world.  Right now the way the US is lining up morally is rather disturbing to me.  I see biblical prophecies coming to fruition.  The Bible said that in the last days what is right will be declared wrong and what is wrong will be declared right.  I see men and woman who cannot make up their mind as to what sex they are.  I see a government sanctioning abortion even to the extent of killing a child after it has been born.  I see hate and division becoming the standard way to settle issues.  This makes my anxiety increase, but I still turn over this worry to God and let him have it. I ask for forgiveness of my sins and to forgive our country for the acts that it is authorizing.  I pray for the president and all those in charge that they may be directed by God.

  One day I pray my grand-kids will read this blog and understand that Cathy and I both pray for them continually.  We pray that through all the noise Satan is putting up that they will hear Jesus call.  

   John Prine has a song with the chorus that goes:

            Blow up your TV throw away your paper
            Go to the country, build you a home
            Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
            Try an find Jesus on your own

    His final chorus  goes:

            We blew up our TV threw away our paper
            Went to the country, built us a home
            Had a lot of children, fed 'em on peaches
            They all found Jesus on their own (everyone of them)

    I pray that all my kids and grand-kids (and great grand-kids, etc) all find Jesus on their own and hold firm to His teachings.

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