Friday, October 21, 2022

Well COVID Has Hit the Hobbs' Household

    I avoided COVID for quite sometime, but it has finally caught up with me.  I started to feel bad on Tuesday with a nasty cough and by Wednesday morning I was chilling so bad I could not stop shaking.  I went to the local clinic and took the COVID test and it came back positive.  Cathy has now tested positive also.  The hardest part of this is having to stay in the house.  If you know me you know that I can't stay in one place very long.  So this quarantine is killing me.  :)  The other bad part of this COVID issue is that Cathy and I were set to go to Tennessee on Monday and the place has already charged me.  The good news is that my brother and sister in law will be taking the condo and I won't lose the money. I am hoping that the effects will not last long, but from what I hear the effects may stick around for a few weeks.

   I was also supposed to be preaching this Sunday at the Lyons Christian Church. Zack Clifford was nice enough to fill in for me.  God is good.

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