Thursday, December 8, 2022

Yellowstone 2023 (Lord Willing)

   Today I got my official offer to return to work at Old Faithful Upper General Store in Yellowstone National Park.  I accepted the offer and will get paid $15 an hour, which is a raise of $4 per hour.  They raised the hourly rate trying to get more people interested in working.  The problem is that it is a temporary summer job and there are not too many interested in working for a short period of time, when other places pay more and the work is not temporary.  So most of the employees are retirees or foreign workers.  There are some that are truly temporary workers.  Some call them Nomads, but some I know work at Yellowstone in the summer and work close to Yellowstone in the winter.  The issue is they have no car and no real home.  They have to take a job that will house them. That is why Yellowstone is good for them, as they provide dorm housing. 

   The offer wants me to report April 24th and my last day is July 30th.  I will get to open the store up and see Yellowstone just coming out of winter and into spring.  The rivers will be running high and fast I am sure.  I can't wait.

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