Friday, December 23, 2022

The Big Chill

    December 23rd, and a very cold front has descended on Indiana, and the rest of the US.  Cathy is in the kitchen, frantically preparing desserts and other Christmas-related items.My dog Gracie is huddled next to me in the sun room trying to keep warm.  The temperature dipped to -8 last night and when I put Gracie out this morning, she had to be rescued from the cold.  She definitely did not like the extreme cold.  I think this cold front is good because it makes us all slow down a little.  I also hope and pray that when we all slow down, we give a thought to what Christmas really means. 

   On a family note, we have some issues going on with the relatives.  These are issues that everyone with aging parents must deal with. I pray very hard during this time, as it takes a lot of Holy Spirit guidance to get through these trying times.  I've also been praying for several family members and friends this season too.  Getting older is not for the faint of heart. My mom once said that when all these family things are happening, she never understood how anyone could get through it all without God.  I totally agree.

  On a personal note, I got a contract to work at Yellowstone again this summer.  I am looking forward to that as I will be there when winter turns to spring.  I miss the mountains every day, but I get messages from my mountain friends, and I probably don't miss the cold.  If I think -8 degrees is tough, they are dealing with -30 degrees and high winds.  That is cold. I also have been watching my South Dakota friends, and I-90 has been closed down for quite some time.  They had a blizzard last week, and the weather has not gotten any better.

  I hope that anyone who reads this will have a merry Christmas.  I also pray that Jesus will be the main focus this season.  It is so easy to get distracted from the real meaning of Christmas. 

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