Thursday, July 18, 2024

Yellowstone Adventure 2024 - Heading out

   I have a 33 day contract to fulfill for Delaware North.  I leave tomorrow the 19th and have to report for duty at the grocery store at Old Faithful on the 22nd.  I am looking forward to the drive and putting the new Tacoma through its paces on the highway.  I will miss my wife and the family while I am gone, but I also am looking forward to spending some time in the mountains.  From what I hear the store has really been swamped and from what my friend Jack says, they are looking forward to having me come and help.  The contract is for 33 days, but I also feel that they will ask me to extend.  I will have to think about that as I want to drive to see Death Valley when my contract is over.  Cathy shows no interest in seeing Death Valley and it may be a great time for me to see the area and the old ghost towns that surround it.  I hope to keep the blog going while I am working but that all depends on the internet connection that I have.  Pray for my travels and pray I can reach someone for Christ while I am there.

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