Saturday, July 27, 2024

Yellowstone Adventure 2024 - Week One

    Well I made it a week working at the store.  My schedule right now is Monday through Friday, 8:50AM to 5PM.  With a thirty minute lunch break.  I pretty much knew my way around in grocery, so I did not need much training to get back in the swing of things.  There are a few changes though.  The park is eliminating beverages in plastic.  So mostly all of the vendors have complied with the new regulations and moved to aluminum packaging.  The bright spot of this action is the massive Gatorade we had to have in the store has been eliminated.  Gatorade now only send 10 case of canned Gatorade in two flavors. I for one am very happy as the cases of those large plastic bottle of Gatorade we very heavy to lug around.  We also do not sell any ice tea in the plastic bottles, which I also love as the packaging was a nightmare to breakdown.  We have no plastic bottles of water either.  All water is in cans.  Do the tourists like this change?  Absolutely not, as my private poll has found out.  Do the tourists recycle the aluminum cans properly?  Not even close.  They just dump them in the trash and not the recycling boxes.  I think the park is making a wise move, in that plastic recycling is not happening as fast a aluminum. My opinion only.

   The exciting things that happened this week.  We have been having a heat wave up here at eight thousand feet.  When the temperature rises, so do the incidents of people passing out.  We had two this week.  They just collapsed while waiting in the ice cream line.  We do not have air conditioning anywhere in the store or dorms.  So coming into the building does get you a break from the sun, but does nothing for the heat generated by massive tourists.  Sleeping at night has been ok, as I have a fan I bring and it is on high pointed at me all night.  The second thing that happened was I caught a shoplifter.  I spotted a guy putting items in his backpack.  I reported it to my boss, who then reported it to the ex-police officer that is our store second in command.  They got the guy before he ran with the goods.  The guy worked for Xanterra, the company that runs the hotels here.  He was reported to their HR and I hope sent packing.  We have a big problem with Xanterra employees stealing from our store.  The third and most exciting thing that happened this week was that we made the national evening news.  A geyser pool in the Biscuit Basin, two miles from my store, blew its top.  The debris scattered over a large area and the explosion took out several feet of board walk.  People were seen running and screaming to get away from the explosion.  The video look pretty cool.  The place is now closed off from tourists and it will be awhile before the area is fixed and back for people to walk around.  As for our area, I did not feel or hear the explosion, but I think some who were laying down in the dorm did.

NBC News Report

  That is about all for the week.  My legs, knees, and back are very tired.  I will be resting up this weekend and I hope to be able to work better next week.  Averaging 17,000 steps a day in the store and I don't know how many pounds I have lifted this week.  My back says about three tons.

   Take care and thanks for reading.

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