Thursday, August 8, 2024

Yellowstone Adventure 2024 - COVID Strikes

 I had my first days off after a week of hard work. I did a short hike on Saturday but did not feel well afterwards. I went back to the dorm for lunch and then laid down to rest. After waking up I felt worse. I also felt I was getting a fever. With very little appetite I went to bed hoping that sleep would be the best medicine. I woke up Sunday feeling worse. I stayed in the room most of the day and took some Tylenol for the fever and aches.  I decided that if I was not well by Monday, the day I had to report back to work, that I would walk to the medical clinic. Monday came and fever still not gone. I headed to the clinic and they gave me the combination flu and covid test. I passed the flu but failed the covid test. My temperature was still up and they were worried that my heart rate was too high. They felt I was dehydrated and they put me on an IV of fluids to try to bring my heart rate down. I laid in the medical clinic for an hour or so until the IV bag was empty and they were happy with my heart rate. They gave me more Tylenol and a note to my boss that I had contracted a bad case of covid. I went to the store wearing a mask and delivered the bad news to the store manager and my boss Ron. I then had to quarantine myself in my room until the fever was gone. They delivered food to my room. It was not a comfortable room to recoup in and I tossed and turned on the bed that basically had no support. My fever broke around Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. I evaluated myself as to my condition and concluded that I did not have any stamina.  After doing very little I would have to stop and rest. The medical clinic said that may last for a couple of weeks. Since I only had a short contract, three weeks to go, I decided that as soon as my fever left that I would pack up and head home. So Thursday morning I packed up and headed home. It was a tough ending to my 2024 adventure but I could not do the job I was required with what covid did to me. As I write this, it has been a week since I left and my stamina still has not gotten back to normal. Coughing is present every day and my ears have been clogged up. I know I made the right decision to leave but I hated to leave Ron and the grocery crew in the lurch. Praying I get over this soon as I don't like not having the energy to do things around the house. 

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