Thursday, May 20, 2021

Ruminations - Getting older

   Well it has been a few days since I turned 62 years old.  This birthday was a milestone as I officially entered social security. I applied for social security 4 months ago and had it all set up.  Unfortunately the government takes awhile to get me my first check.  I think they will be getting me my first check in July. So I assume that after I die, they will send a check one month after I am dead and gone.  Do I feel older?  Honestly I really don't.  I see myself through my own eyes and my mind.  The only times I realize I am getting older is when I see all my friends and family members' kids graduating High School or college. Then I can't believe they are that old.  Which makes me feel old also.  The other day on my birthday I was sitting in my truck doing community service errands and I happened to look at the back of my hand on the steering wheel.  I noticed that when I extended my fingers my hand was all wrinkly.  When I made a fist the skin was taught, but when I extended my fingers there was the old man again.  I guess I am getting older, but I will continue to see myself from my own eyes and mind and just imagine that everyone is getting older but me.  

  Cathy and I will be celebrating our 39th wedding anniversary in a few days.  I can't imagine ever being without her.  She was my High School sweet heart and the only love of my life.  We have been through a lot together and this year we have gone through cancer scares together. She is such a great balance to my personality and she has brought me back to earth many times.  She is a great wife, mother and grandmother.  She has so many things to teach the grand-kids also. I am sure God has some very special years ahead for us as we grow older together. 

   One problem with growing older is sometimes having to deal with family issues.  This week was not a great week for family.  You think everything is going well and then out of the blue a bomb drops.  When one member of my family is hurting, I hurt.  I have been talking a lot to God this week over the issue.  I cannot help my family through this issue, other than be there for bending an ear.  But I can talk to God who can handle all issues.

   In a few days my brothers and I will be departing for Tennessee and our Hobbs Brothers Golf Throw Down. We had to miss last year due to covid, but the trophy will be on the line once again this year.  I am blessed to be able to get together with my three brothers and golf.  So many people who hear what we do smile and wish they could be doing this with their family. It is a great time to reconnect with my brothers.  Even though we live close to each other, we sometimes go quite sometime seeing each other.  I cannot even begin to count how many laughs we have had on these trips and how precious these memories are.  Lets hope I can once again win the tournament.  We play 5 rounds of golf in 5 days and believe me that wears me out, but it is a good kind of tired.  I will blog the outcome.  This year I have bought new golf shoes and a distance app for my phone. So I am fully prepared to take down the brothers.  :)

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