Thursday, April 29, 2021

DP Reunion

   Today was the annual Data Processing reunion was held at Boggs Lake Restaurant today. It is for all those people who worked for data processing at Crane when data processing just started to the time data processing got their new building. Basically everyone there had experience with punch cards and a UNIVAC main frame computer.  :) It was great seeing some old friends and catching up on where they are today and what they are doing.  Mostly all who attend are retired.  Although some retired and went back to work as contractors.  Last year there was no reunion due to COVID. So this year, even though the numbers were still down, was very special.  Louis Kavanaugh keeps track of everyone via email and does a great job organizing this once a year get together.  Below is a picture of those attending this year.  They all played a great part in bringing Crane into the computer era and beyond.  Yes we all know what a modem is, what a floppy disc is, and what COBOL is used for.  :)

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