Wednesday, April 21, 2021


    Well all good plans sometimes get derailed. We were supposed to leave today to visit family in West Virginia, but Cathy ended up waking up with a fever.  It did not take much convincing to have her stay home and get better.  The problem is with all this COVID/Corona Virus stuff, you just cant take any chances with being sick.  She will rest for a few days and see if she gets better.  It could be just a virus from the grand-kids, as our granddaughter Viviann was under the weather this week.  If it is more serious then we will get her taken care of.  The nice thing about being retired is that we can leave anytime we want and we did not have any reservations to cancel. The bi-product of her being sick is that I can't be around anyone either.  A just-in-case precaution.  

   We had a cold snap come through last night and got a little snow.  Unfortunately our flowers started blooming this week and I think their beauty will be short lived.  I got pictures of them for my memories though.  I also think that the hummingbirds  have stopped their progress into our area until this cold snap passes.  I think the weather man indicated we will have cold temps for the next few days and then more spring like weather will come back.

   Got my stitches out the other day and even though I cannot see the area, Cathy says the scar is not too bad.  I am glad they are out as I need to get to the driving range and practice some golf as the Hobbs Brother's Golf Throw Down is coming up next month.  I need to get my slice under control if I am going to win the trophy this year. We will be playing 5 rounds of golf in Crossville Tennessee.  That is a great place to play several golf courses that are geared toward senior golfers, which I admit I am.

   I received the following email from our missionaries in the Philippines this week.  It broke my heart as we have been praying for Ruby for quite some time, but I know she is not suffering anymore.  Life is so precious.


Ruby’s Journey Ends

   We are sad to report that Ruby, the local preacher’s wife near our place in the Philippines has passed away on Saturday afternoon April 17th. It was five years since she was diagnosed with cancer and although she had around 14 months of remission which proved a real blessing to her husband and daughters, her journey came to an end! 

   So many people have been praying for her and rejoiced when she had a time of remission and was able to go out and visit and worship in church as well. Sadly, in the last couple of months the cancer went through her body and she became unresponsive to any treatment. She had moved over to her family’s home where she was raised and they gave her the care she needed as her illness got worse. 

   She will be buried in her home place shortly and we thank those who have been interested in her health and have prayed for her during this time. Her husband will raise the three daughters and two are teenage but the youngest is only very young and does not understand why her “mother did not wake up.” Please keep them in your prayers and we all are thankful for her life and ministry during her lifetime.


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