Monday, April 12, 2021


    Well after several anxious days I received good news from the Dermatologist that they were able to cut out all the precancerous cells.  I went back in to the doctor and got the wound stitched up.  I have to go back in a few days to get the stitches out.  Praise God for answered prayers.  Now Cathy and I are comparing stitches.  It is tough getting old for sure.

   Today I got my second vaccine shot.  So far I have had no side effects.  Indiana does a good job at keeping a person informed of their appointments via texts and emails. When I finished getting the shot I received an email that I can us to prove to someone that I have been fully vaccinated. It may come in handy when I have to leave and work in Yellowstone.

  My youngest son has purchased a drone.  While I was relaxing on the front porch after mowing the lawn, I hear a buzzing sound and look up to see it hovering in front of me.  Pretty good flying as he lives about a tenth of a mile away.  Just wait until I have a whiffle ball bat in hand.  :)

  Just a prediction, but the humidity has been pretty low around here.  I know it has rained a lot but after the rain the wind has been drying things up fairly quickly. I hate to think that this may not bode well for the summer to come.  I think we may have a very dry summer and hopefully no drought, but it is beginning to feel that way.  I hope I am wrong.

  I have been seeing on Facebook that Yellowstone workers are starting to report to the park for work.  Some places are stilled closed but others are opening up slowly.  I am anxious to get out there and work. I miss the mountains and the great people I work with.  July can't come fast enough.

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