Sunday, April 4, 2021


    Ashley Furniture update.  Two guys showed up with the correct drawer and expertise to get the bed functioning correctly.  So our endless saga with Ashley furniture is finally over.  Three and a half months from time ordered to final fix.  I will not be doing any business with Ashley Furniture in the future for items that I cannot take from the show room.  Their stores are very nice but behind the scenes they have a terrible business.

    Well today is Easter and Cathy and I spent it at church and with family.  Cathy's parents house was the location of the family get together.  The whole family chipped in to make sure Cathy's parents had very little to do, as they are getting on in years.  I think everyone had a great time and I am sure Cathy's parents were very happy and very tired when all the company left.  

  My son and his wife were using the day to move out of their old house as it has sold.  So Cathy and I ended up with three grand kids to watch.  Which means the internet is taking a beating in our house.  But it is good to have them around even though Cathy and I get tired quickly baby sitting.  I think we are getting too old to entertain young kids anymore.  :)

  It was nice to see so many faces at church I have not seen since COVID hit.  But I was also disappointed to not see many that I thought would be there.  It seems we have lost quite a few members.  Many left for varying reasons, but it is very hard to know that they will not be a part of our church anymore.  So sad.  The Elders need to take stock of the reasons why so man are leaving.

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