Monday, April 26, 2021

Ruminations - Too many friends getting health issues

    It seems like the older I get the more friends and family are having health issues.  This week I was informed that Beverly, as very special person in Belize, was undergoing treatment for cancer.  She is very instrumental in our mission trips being successful.  She is a very kind person who does an exceptional job running the hotel we normally stay at. I will be adding her to the daily cancer prayer list.  I would really like to have more drop off that list from healing than keep adding to the list.  I hate cancer.

   I have also been praying for the health of my good Yellowstone friend Jack.  He has had some heart issues and will be needing a pacemaker.  He is a great christian man and one of the bright spots to working at Yellowstone.  I worry about him but I would not change a thing about his life.  He is happy doing what he does and he also is a great witness for Jesus to the foreign workers that come to Yellowstone.  Besides he is a Cub fan and I don't find too many of them at Yellowstone.  :)

  Took my mother-in-law Norma to Bloomington for a dermatologist appointment. After the appointment, which went well, we ate at Cheddar's.  It was very nice to spend some time with her and discuss family history.  I also think she enjoyed getting out and about for awhile.  Since COVID my in-laws don't get out very often.

   My grandson Myles birthday is today.  I look around and see all the people in my life having birthdays.  Everyone is getting older except for me.  :)  I can't believe some kids in my life will be graduating high school later this year.  Time is flying by and no matter how I try to slow it down it keeps flying by faster and faster.  I can't believe I will be going on 7 years in retirement later this summer. 

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