Friday, May 28, 2021

Ruminations - Golf with the brothers

   This past week I was able to get together with my brothers for our annual golf trip.  I have three brothers and that makes for a great foursome for golf.  We have been doing, or at least trying to do, this golf trip for around 9 years.  I cannot believe we have been doing this for that long.  After golf for the day we eat out at a local place and just discuss our lives.  We all come to the same conclusion that these trips are really special.  Many have told me that they wish they could do or could have done what we are doing.  So many families are spread apart geographically that they can't get together or are too busy to get together or don't speak to each other to even want to get together or their brothers or sisters have passed on.  We all agree that God has blessed us to be able to do this once a year.  We also agree that we are all getting older and though no one mentions it, in the back of my mind I wonder how long we can keep doing the golf trip.  So while we can we all will create great memories or those times when we can't.  This year's tournament was won by my brother Linc, but my brother Dirk had the special moment when he hit a hole in one.  That was one great shot and I think the neighbors for several blocks heard us all cheering.  This past week was filled with a lot of laughter and a lot of kidding.  I am sure we created a lot of memories that we will all recall when we are too old to play and just rocking in a chair on our porches.  I sure do love all my brothers, even though there are time I would like to smack them over the head with a five iron. :)

   Today I was informed that an old friend of mine was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer.  The news hit me hard.  I have stated over and over to God in my prayers how much I hate cancer.  I pray daily for God to send a cure for this terrible disease. My cancer prayer list is very long, but I always have to remember that God is more powerful than cancer and hears all my prayers for healing.  It is always refreshing when a person drops off our cancer list because the cancer is gone or they are in remission.  But lately it seems that we keep adding more and more people to the prayer list.  It gets very discouraging for sure.  I have to remember to stay positive in my prayers and to pray that all those on the list stay positive and fight the cancer that is in them.

   As of today I am around 54 days from leaving to work in Yellowstone for 2021.  I am looking forward to working this year and to seeing my western friends.  I am also looking forward to getting away from the heat and humidity that I know is coming to Indiana very soon.  I can already feel it. 

   While golfing in Tennessee this year I talked to many who moved out of their home state and into Tennessee. The biggest reason was Tennessee having much better tax benefits for retirees. I did not find anyone who lived there and moved there to be unhappy about the decision.  In fact the ones that moved from Illinois were ecstatic about life in Tennessee.  It seems Illinois taxes and government is driving many to leave that state and I don't blame them.  I may be looking at Tennessee myself as Cathy has shown interest in moving to that state one day.  Mostly in a cabin in the mountains. Right now building costs are way to high to think about building.  The virus has put a big shortage in lumber and low interests rates have made existing home prices go through the roof.  I can get more for my house but I better make sure I have a place to move to before I sell.

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